Tuesday, July 6, 2010

greenzoner..the new lockerz..

So far, no solid proof reveals that LOCKERZ is really that legitimate in the Philippines and other international countries. I hope that some testimonies are that solid but still... I am not convinced but still hoping...

Good thing!... - offers a way to save the environment AND help you win FREE prizes...Good deal huh?

Just message me at my facebook account or just comment below...Are you ready to save the world?

Friday, June 11, 2010

life update!

These past weeks just havin trouble over at was a hell of needle-hole that i had to get through...Guess what? I GOT THROUGH IT! yey me! i salute my evil brain for solutions but i WONT be needing its mad schemes for a while or NEVER perhaps...

I met with the 4YLC because i was their new auditor..we did a LOT of agenda...well lets see what's the outcome of it...hope the seniors like it! but of course, you really cant please everyone..some may like it as much as we put our full time with but some may you know....

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Blog's hiatus ends here....


its been too long since i posted something in this damned blog...haha
anyways...thats a good thing isnt it?
no one's really reading what i write here so its plainly legal to vent out anything right?
hey am i talking to myself? really im dead serious...!